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LIBYA - Fajr militias call for help on migrant influx
Exclusive - Libya: report in Tripoli with the Fajr militia fighting the Islamic state group
A Libyan militia hands over its Tripoli base to the authorities
UN raises concerns over Libya's militias
Libyan Militias Quit Tripoli: Armed groups are cleared from Libyan capital by PM Ali Zeidan
News Wrap: Libyan Military Disbands 'Illegitimate' Militias
Libyan militia kidnaps PM, demonstrating country's instability
Islamic State, Libyan militia clash in Sirte
Are Libyan militias undermining UN-backed govt in Tripoli?
Libyan militia go home as BP pulls out employees from Tripoli
French MP visits migrant detention centre in Libya capital
Europe agrees on plan to address migrant crisis 유럽연합 정상들, 지중해 난민 4만명 회원국 분산 재배